Design #7


KEY-Zen International offers electronic newsletters to help the members of your organization stay in touch with success stories and best practices in your business.

Each issue rounds up brief news items in reader-friendly copy, adds the impact of bright, upbeat graphics, and fits everything into one, double-sided 8 ½ x 11-inch page designed to reach your team members by e-mail.

The objectives of these electronic newsletters include:

  • To highlight best practices of team members throughout the world
  • To increase sales by offering insights into success stories
  • To share goals on a regular basis
  • To increase the overall quality of communications

No matter where your team members are located, they need to know what's going on. What they don't need is another elaborate, multi-page document that could double as a doorstop.

Enter the electronic newsletter that ingratiates itself with few words, pertinent pictures, and the ease of electronic communication. The intention is to create a modern communications tool that will be disseminated and read in its electronic format. Those comfortable gleaning information directly from the computer screen can quickly scan the newsletter for the latest "inside scoop." Readers, of course, will be able to print out any portion for reference, if they choose.

Each time, as the newsletter is about to come out, the preparation process forces those involved in providing information for the newsletter to take a look backward and forward and to decide what to communicate "in a nutshell." The simplicity of the format leaves no room for anything but straight talk and useful asides. Managers who play a part in the process of producing such a newsletter find it helps them clarify their own thinking about what they - and those they lead day-to-day -- are doing.

Call us at 585-385-4208 to discuss your needs or send us an e-mail. We will develop a concept for a newsletter that fits your requirement.



  KEY-Zen International
KEY- Zen International
P.O. Box 261, Fairport, New York 14450, U.S.A.
Phone: 1.585.385.4208, Fax: 1.585.385.4208
Our Website:

Site Design and Management by International Internet Consultants