Meet Our Staff
The school is a public shool and is under the governance of the Provincial Administration of the North West Province.
School Governing Body
(Parents as well as staff members)
School Principle
Vice Principal (1)
Senior Psychologist (1)
Secondary School | Primary School | Therapy |
Head of Department (1) | Head of Department (1) | Head of Department (Occupational Therapist 1) |
Head of Department College (1) | 10 Teachers 1 Remedial Teacher |
2 Occupational Therapists 2 Physiotherapists |
6 Teachers | 1 Class Assistant | 1 Speech Therapist 1 Therapy Assistant |
4 Qualified Nursing Sisters | Administrative Staff (3) |
9 House Mothers | General Foreman (1) |
14 General Assistants |
Support services:
Four qualified nursing sisters look after the medical needs of the learners. They train diabetics to administer their own insulin, teach incontinent children to handle their catheters and other medical equipment, and supervise the variety of medications taken by learners every day. They also treat pressure sores, aches and pains and handle all medical emergencies. They advise3 parents on the conditions of their children and assist them with appointments and visits to hospitals and clinics.
The Remedial teacher helps learners with specific learning problems to develop strategies to overcome their problems, or to compensate for it as best as they can. She also provides special assistance for learners during the writing of examinations, because many of them cannot cope with the conventional ways of writing exams.
A qualified psychologist does assessments of potential, interests, and skills to ensure that learners are placed in the correct grade and programme. She also supports learners with emotional and personal problems and offer therapy where needed. She has regular contact with parents, and social and community workers, to give counseling and assistance.
The speech-, physio-, and occupational therapists see learners on a group as well as individual basis. Treatment programmes are developed and implemented to suit the individual needs of each child. Therapists also assist in the preparation for, and rehabilitation after operations, visits to hospitals and clinics, counseling of parents and the provision of assertive devices and wheelchairs.