Cultural Expanded Seminars
Cultural EXPANDED seminars - a Half-Day program (or full day as needed)
- To understand the basic differences and similarities of intercultural communications & business management in different parts of the world.
- To understand in practical terms the dangers and pitfalls of poor intercultural communications and behavior.
- To understand the fundamentals of business protocol and social etiquette in various countries/regions of the world.
- To learn to "READ" their international counterparts' behavior and the "WHY" behind their actions.
- To effectively evaluate people in an overseas context and to build effective international project teams.
- To understand the role of intermediaries in building trust and negation process.
- To learn to work with diverse cultures in mergers & acquisitions and joint ventures.
- Managers or Team leaders who are currently conducting or planning to conduct business overseas.
- Managers and team members (working within multinational corporations or joint ventures) who deal frequently with overseas counterparts.
- Managers or staff who need a deep focus on a particular country with specific issues/problems/concerns.
- Staff or managers who expect to take overseas assignments or trips to negotiate deals or to develop relationships with customers or suppliers.
- Staff, managers and service team members engaged in purchasing from or selling to companies based where alternative cultures prevail.
- Obtain valuable information on leadership skills to create team synergies, to improve motivation, and to lead productive multinational meetings and presentations.
- Obtain valuable insights and tips into cultural differences and how they can affect relationships, productivity, and business results.
- Get a clear understanding of specific etiquette and business protocols and tips for dealing with cultural change.
- Learn to pay more attention to specific dimensions of cultural diversity linked to verbal and nonverbal communications so that managers can communicate more effectively in an international environment and can strengthen team spirit.
- Understand the basic tips for dealing with local attitudes and perceptions to effectively facilitate consensus building.