Design #7

Cultural Power Seminars

Cultural POWER seminars - a three-hour program


  • To understand the basic differences and similarities of intercultural communications & business management in different parts of the world.
  • To understand in practical terms the dangers and pitfalls of poor intercultural communications and behavior.
  • To understand the fundamentals of business protocol and social etiquette in various countries/regions of the world.


  • Managers and team members working within multinational corporations or joint ventures who deal frequently with overseas counterparts.
  • Staff or managers who expect to take overseas assignments or trips to negotiate deals or to develop relationships with customers or suppliers.
  • Staff, managers and service team members engaged in purchasing from or selling to companies based where alternative cultures prevail.


  • Obtain valuable insights and tips into cultural differences and how they can affect relationships, productivity, and business results.
  • Get a clear understanding of specific etiquette and business protocols and tips for dealing with cultural change.
  • Recognize the tendency of being ethnocentric and get valuable tips to break down those predispositions and to appreciate another culture.
  • Learn to pay more attention to specific dimensions of cultural diversity linked to verbal and nonverbal communications.
  • Understand the basic tips for dealing with local attitudes and perceptions.

As part of this seminar, a follow-up meeting will be held three months after the initial seminar to review the progress of cultural understanding and experiences of the participants.




  KEY-Zen International
KEY- Zen International
P.O. Box 261, Fairport, New York 14450, U.S.A.
Phone: 1.585.385.4208, Fax: 1.585.385.4208
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